Know all the details and secrets

of APLGO's ACUMULLIT SA Technology.

You are about to discover a Blue Ocean technology to achieve great benefits in your health in a different way.

APLGO products are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease.

Note: Click on the video to activate the audio.

Find out from the main people involved in the development of ACUMULLIT SA technology everything you need to know about manufacturing and the secrets of our products. The list of participants in the video are:

  • Larisa Khtema │ General Director of APL Laboratories
  • Lyudmila Shulga │Head of Engineering of APL Laboratories
  • Bogdan Gorodisky │ Immunologist, current member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Elina Suprum │ Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Kharkiv Medical Academy
  • Georgiy Lyaju │ Director of the Manufacturing Plant of APL Laboratories
  • Violetta Katana │Executive Director responsible for the certification and quality management system implemented at the APL factory
  • Galyna Norocha │Head of the Environmental Information Service, Environmental Education and Awareness. Environment Agency of the Republic of Moldova
  • Eleonora Vorobyova│Head of the Environmental Information, Environmental Education and Awareness Service. Environment Agency of the Republic of Moldova
  • Leonid Krasnov │ APL Designer
  • Svetlana Razina │ Director of Market Development of APL Ukraine

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If you have any health condition, consult your specialist so that together they determine the use of these products in a responsible manner.